Shipping options more visible on Checkout
Marcia Macomber
Hi, Monika. Looks nice as long as your string "local delivery, fedex home..." etc., only reflects dynamically the delivery/shipping options selected by the merchant account.
Monika Figura
Marcia Macomber: Definitely would dynamically populate!
Monika Figura
Hi Neil,
Thanks for the feedback and to everyone who has voted for this! In order to show the exact pricing for shipping options and pricing, we do need an exact address.
However, are you hoping to just list all the options available so customer's have an idea of what they will get pricing for? I drafted up what this could look like below.
Neil Shrodo
Monika Figura: That would be a simple fix, yes.
What most sites do is list the shipping as an option that appears when the merchant has chosen it (We have stores that ship and stores that dont), and when the customer chooses shipping, they are made to put in the address.
By this point, most online customers are going to be familiar with that kind of process.
Monika Figura
Neil Shrodo: Okay great. This will probably need to be prioritized through our development team so will update here accordingly with the current status.